Stay Trippy
Stay Trippy \ November 16 - December 22, 2024
Stay Trippy is a group exhibition presented in partnership with Stoned Books, featuring 42 unique works by North American tattoo artists whose contributions will also be found within the pages of Stoned Books’ latest release, Stay Trippy. This exhibition delves into the transformative themes and surreal experiences associated with psychedelics, inviting viewers on a journey through vibrant and mind-expanding artwork.
The show presents an eclectic array of spiritual motifs, bold color palettes, and nuanced interpretations of the psychedelic experience, showcasing the diverse talents of each contributing artist. United by their prominence as tattoo artists, these creators bring distinct styles that resonate with a wide audience, making this exhibition an immersive exploration of skill, vision, and the limitless possibilities of altered perception.
Join us in celebrating these artists and the book release of ‘Stay Trippy’ at the opening reception and book release on Saturday, November 16 from 6 - 9 PM at WANTS/NEEDS Gallery in Ventura, CA. Exhibition artists are listed below:
- 50 Tattooing (@50tattooing) - Green Point Tattoo in Brooklyn, NY
- Aaron Carmody (@rad_el_snake) - Pyramid Arts Tattoo in Rochester, NY
- Adam Shrewsbury (@adamshrewsbury)
- Alberto Lelli (@albertinodabologna) - Fun City Tattoo in NYC, NY
- Andrew Hefner (@andyhefner) - Transmission Tattoo in Baltimore, MD
- Andrew Bixby (@abixbytattoo ) - Garden City Tattoo in Beverly, MA
- Andy Felty (@andyryanfelty) - Welcome Stranger Tattoo in Dallas, TX
- Anthony Kaplan (@tonykaplantattoo) - R&D Tattoo / Big Joe and Sons Tattoo in NYC, NY
- Bo Orr (@bo_orr) - Only You Tattoo in Atlanta, GA
- Brandon Kerr (@old_red_eyes) - Opal Heart Tattoo in Matthews, NC
- Cam Jennings (@skinnycam) -Pacific Rose Tattoo in Vancouver, BC (Canada)
- Carlos Nunez (@nunez__carlos) - Green Point Tattoo in Brooklyn, NY
- Ceilidh Watson (@ceilidhwatson) - Only You Tattoo in Atlanta, GA
- Darius Cappelli (@darius_cappelli) - In The Moon Tattoo in San Diego, CA
- Emma Bagley (@emasesame) - Shrine Tattoo in Santa Fe, NM
- Francesco Barbieri (@francescobarbieri76)
- Franco Maldonado (@francooomaldonado) -Transmission Tattoo in Baltimore, MD
- Gianni Gigliotti (@peaceandlove.eternally) -Tattoo Good Tattoo in LA, CA
- Henry Hablak (@hhablak) -Hermetika, Based in Philadelphia, PA
- Hunter Cross (@hubtattoos) -High Point Tattoo in Grand Rapids, MI
- Jenna Bouma (@slowerblack) -Good Luck Tattoo in NYC, NY
- John ("JP") Price (@jpricetattoo) - Midtown Tattoo in LA, CA
- Jon Sanford (@jon.sanford) -Civilization Tattoo in Richmond, VA
- Josh Wagnon (@brotherwolfaptx) - Brotherwolf Sistermoon Tattoo in Aransas Pass, TX
- Julian Bast (@julianbast) - Name Brand Tattoo in Ann Arbor, MI
- Kana Porcelly (@letskidnapkana) - American House Tattoo in Hawley, PA
- Kevin Craig (@kvncraig) - Electric Tattoo in Asbury Park, NJ
- Kyle Butler (@kybut) - Red Devil in Chicago, IL
- Liprat (@liprattattoo) - Easy Tiger Tattoo in Edmonton, AB (Canada)
- Mark Pickman (@m.pickman_tattoo) - Red Devil Tattoo in Chicago, IL
- Matt Bivetto (@mattbivetto) - Green Point Tattoo in Brooklyn, NY
- Mike Elmo (@mikeelmotattoo) - Lefty's Tattoo Parlor in Brooklyn, NY
- Nate Harmon (@n8harmon) - 111 Arts Gallery Tattoo Shop in Muncie, IN
- Nicholas Melody (@nmelody) - Name Brand Tattoo in Ann Arbor, MI
- Noah Lockhart (@noahlockhart_) - VT
- Pop’s Tattoo Shop Collaboration (Joe Garlic - @joegarlic69, Sergio Hernandez - @splurgeo , Sebastian Alvarez - @young.digi_, Analiyah Hernandez - @analiyuh, Cory Vidal - @coryvidaltattoos, and Jake Morrison) - San Diego, CA
- Riley Nickell (@rileynickelltattoo) - Tattoo Good Tattoo in Los Angeles, CA
- Robert Ryan (@robertryan323) - Electric Tattoo, in Asbury Park, NJ
- Sam Layzell (@sam_layzell) - Tattoo Paradise in Washington DC
- Swasthik Iyengar (@gunga_ma) - Good Luck in New York City, NY
- Travis Turpin ( - Mary Tattoo in Santa Barbara, CA
- Tron (@losingshape) - Green Point Tattoo in Brooklyn, NY